Saturday, February 17, 2007

Narc free for 36 hours

No pain medications for 36 hours now and I'm not in pain. Having saved up all those doses I'll be able to party hard tonight (joke).

When I say "not in pain" I should add the proviso "except when I do my PT exercises". Most are OK but the knee-bend is a killer. The pain is paying off though, on Thursday a knee-angle of 90 degrees was officially recorded. That is about 70 degrees better than it was a couple of weeks ago, just another 70 or 80 degrees to go.

Just in case you happen to live a few thousand miles away and haven't been inundated with snow of your own. Above is Kata the snow clearing fairy on Wednesday when we got about 18", after she cleared a long long path up my driveway and to the house. Thanks.

And finally, the vexing PBR question has been answered. To remind, the question was "how did a can of PBR get into my fridge?" This is not the usual choice of my very generous and discerning friends. The answer, I am told, is Chris. Hmmm, next party he throws... Waste not want not though, I drank it, with lunch. Burp.

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