Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Monday checkup: OK but no speed records

I had my first out-patient orthopedic checkup on Monday 12th (day 30). Many x-rays of wrist and leg. The wrist is healing well and I'll probably lose the cast in two weeks (hurrah!). The femur is OK, all bits in the right places, but not showing so much sign of bone healing so we just have to wait and see.

I did get permission for my PT to work on some new exercises -- ouch, why did I ask for that? I'm also encouraged to put 20lb weight on the right leg to encourage bone growth. This is not much, less that the weight of the leg. All progress though, if not as fast as I might hope.

To be fair to my PT, she did also suggest that I might take advantage of leaving to house for a checkup, and go out for lunch. Kata, Leslie and I enjoyed a fine lunch at Olivia's, washed down with some very pleasant fizz. Yum.

1 comment:

Silver Sky said...


I'd strongly suggest you ask about a bone stimulator. Its become common to use, very safe, covered by insurance, and no pain with the treatment. I had mine 2 weeks postop. And I know they have them for legs. Glad all went well otherwise!