Friday, January 26, 2007

New cast

Another forward step. I have a new cast on my left forearm (above) which is both much lighter than the earlier one, and doesn't extend to include my elbow. I have much improved mobility though I think I might need this new one tweaked as it cuts in slightly when walking with my elbow bent.


Angela said...

"right" forearm? :)

Susan said...

Good grief, I leave and you throw yourself off a cliff? (...8 months later... maybe not a direct correlation, but I'm still suspicious.)

Way to blog with Google technology, BTW (heh)! I would ask how you've been, but I can see the evidence here, so maybe I'll just say that I miss you and all the kids (young and old) at IS a whole bunch...

If you're looking for something to do to kill time you should come over to Nick's and my blog: Or, to put it another way, you're laid up in hospital and not only do I not come visit you, but I tell you to come visit me. :-)

Hope you're hanging in there...

Naomi said...

Your fashion choices of color and texture need some work ...

And how do we sign that rough texture? We'll have to use sharpies!

Anonymous said...

OK, fixed from right to left as per Angela's careful proofreading. Thks.

Jofish said...

i think it's probably good you're going with blogspot and not livejournal, otherwise you'd *have* to spend all your time whining about how nobody understands you and you're all alone.

i think we should totally laser-cut our signatures into your cast. that would be hardest core.

Anonymous said...

How do you get the laser to stop after it gets through the cast and before it puts the sig. into my arm too? This question must be answered satisfactorily before we proceed.

Jofish said...

eh. we can practice on your left arm, and worse to worse, we can always switch to your leg if we don't get it right in time. no worries.