Friday, January 26, 2007

Stress control sheep

Actually from Monday but I have only just downloaded the photos from my phone. First, sheep (ram) and Simeon in non-stressed mode. Second, sheep and Simeon on stressed mode -- isn't it said that pain shared is pain halved?

1) 2)


Naomi said...

I object to this animal abuse! Sheep are for other activities, not footsies!

Naomi said...

oh wait, it's a ram. Wweeeellllll ...

Ade Miller said...

What's your sheep's phone number? Is he currently dating?

Naomi said...

The provenance of said sheep: I gave it to Simeon, I admit it. I got it from my brother Mitch, who lives in Stockholm. He says the following:

"I will remind you that Gotland ewes have horns - it is not a ram"

So it IS a sheep. OMG!!!

Ade Miller said...

OK. My mistake... Is she dating?