Thursday, January 25, 2007

The news keeps roliing in... wrist good

This seems to be the afternoon for news. The bones of my left wrist are still in a good position so it is unlikely that I'll need an operation there. The surgeon says she'll come in tomorrow to put it in a cast that doesn't go as far as the elbow. Hurrah again!

I've also seen my post-op x-rays and the femur shots are scary -- one big rod almost the length of the bone with a screw holding it near the knee end. Then a big rod/screw through into the head (ball) of the femur. The bone in between shows several fractures.


Penelope said...

Hey Simeon,

Glad to hear you're on the mend. Wish I could visit, but I'm traveling for work at the moment. I'll send you some get well goodies when I get home. Take care and thanks for keeping us all updated on your healing progress.


Silver Sky said...

Great news today! Its great your blogging, it may be the only way you remember these days of recovery.

Hey, we'll have to get a digital scan of those x-rays uploaded on your blog!

Will see you soon!


Unknown said...

Hey, that's great news all in one day! Have a good night's sleep without x-ray dreams.


Anonymous said...

Hi Simeon,
Thanks for keeping us to date on your adventures. The blank Affector screen is pretty depressing. Will have to figure out networking so I can see you having fun at all these parties in the hospital... and soon to be at home, hooray for you! Enjoy the group therapy. Will come visit soon.

Anonymous said...

p.s. glad to hear of your new cast plans, soon you'll be picking your nose just like in the old days!

Dante said...

Alright, i guess you will be able to move your arm soon, thats definitely a step in the right direction!
Mend swift simeon.

Rosemary said...

Hi Simeon,

I always knew we couldn't keep a good man down~ you're amazing

I'm hope to stop by Monday, but will call first. I'll bring you a #39 with extra tofu.

We miss your cheery personality around here. Quite sure it is taking all your efforts to recover. Keep up the good work.

Best, Rosemary

Aaron Suggs said...

I agree w/ Elly! Scan the X-Ray pics plz. :-)