Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sweet Sweat Rain

This weekend was marked by several outings: shopping at Weggies and Targét, a failed attempt to go to Stellar Stereo, a delicious dinner at Pangea, and a trip to the pictures. The flip side of these outings is that the muntins of my windows feel more than ever like bars. I want out.

It is always good to have a place to channel aggression somewhere harmless, or even better, somewhere productive. Recall that exercise bike? Well, today I managed 30mins and a good sweat in a 59F room. I broke a sweat on track 7 of the Sex Pistol's "Seventeen". As I enjoyed the feeling I noticed them belting out the lyrics... "I'm a lazy sod". Ha! The youth of 1977 I thought. I, on the other hand am working out and enjoying the sweat as if it were warm summer rain. This is probably more than you wanted to know so I'll put the ice-pack for my knee back in the freezer and take a shower.

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